Tuesday, May 2, 2017

RP - Show Up Your Campaign

We already knew that Advertising Industry is one of the vital part of commercial Industry, it was the 'after brand production' process, how would we know about our market respons to our product before we introduce it and publish it to public? that's why we need to have some campaign as beginning of our brand selling.

Many ways to make people aware of our product, but all of it about advertisement and promotion. The conventional way but still useful much is by putting some creative advertisement on out of home media tools like Billboard, but nowadays Billboard is not just a static wooden board covered with poster.

Billboard spot at Bekasi - Indonesia

And the tools was developing to be more creative and marketable tools for advertising. Any space which able to get people sight can turn into an advertisement space.

Out of home advertising media tools there are;
- Billboard static
- Billboard LED
- Billboard Video / Videotron
- Flight Branding
- Vehicle Branding
- Train Branding
- Subway Commercial Spot

Vehicle Branding OohAdsID & Sti-Car

In Indonesia out of home advertising media also growing up and now have been spreading over Countries in many provinces.

To make advertiser easy finding the right place to put their brand campaign, OohAds Indonesia is answering all advertisers need about out of home media tools. It was the pioneer of trusted out of home Advertising Marketplace in Indonesia.

For more detail services just click OohAdsID

website oohads.co.id

Monday, May 1, 2017

RP - The Functional Whatsapp


Increasing Sales via WhatsApp
Nowadays there were many ways to increasing sales. Some people used social media and others use chatting applications. Surely, we will take a theme about how to increasing sales via social media one by one. We also will know how the to increase product selling via chat applications. This time we will talk about increasing sales via WhatsApp.
Whatsapp is a familiar application for most of people. often use to communicate with other person not only family or relatives but also colleague or business partner. And as a professional marketer we have to functioning all communication ways to reach a good partnership and increasing sales.
Then how is functioning whatsapp for increasing sales? Here are some tips we can share for you;   
1.       Add your whatsapp group numbers
Improve your business potential field with adding whatsapp group, whatsapp group is really useful as a place to deliver our message about detail information of our products. Sending information about store or website also able to do in whatsapp group. But we have to select a right whatsapp group, build a networking which suitable and fit to our brand campaign. If we were a billboard marketer then join to Billboard marketing whatsapp group, advertiser group, and agency group.
2.       Add your whatsapp contact numbers
Save the right contact to your phone cell, to add your whatsapp contact numbers. This was important to do, then you may deliver your brand information regularly. Do not so often just notify the frequency to make this strategy effective. And be careful, don’t make your broadcast message annoy your whatsapp friends list.  
3.       Adjust a right schedule to blast your message
Message blast or broadcast message is really necessary for your business need. Its function is to give information to your customer. It will be more effective if you have a lot of whatsapp contact numbers in your phone cell. To set a message blast, you have to choose a right time. Notify a productive time when receiver able to accept your information.

Right time to do promotion via WhatsApp application is around 08.30am – 03.00 PM and continue at 7 pm – 10 pm. Except it will be better to do online promotion because they were in touch with their smartphone. Setting a right time schedule will impact to prevent message ignorance.

Finally, that was 3 steps you might consider before starting your whatsapp promotion. Happy trying!

from Tech2 Firtspost\

Reuni 2 Dekade Alumni Pondok Modern Gontor Putri 2004 di Solo, Jawa Tengah

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